What other options are there?

Our tutors will help you work on your essay’s argumentation and organisation, but you may be in search of something else. If so, the University of Edinburgh provides a wide range of support options:

Do you want advice about the actual content of your essay? The best person to talk to is your teacher during his or her posted office hours.

Are you a non-native speaker of English? Take a look at the services offered by English Language Education and the Peer Proofreading Scheme run by EUSA.

Do you have a documented disability? The Student Disability Service offers proofreading services as well.

And if you need more general help with study skills, the Institute for Academic Development offers a variety of resources and workshops designed to help you achieve your goals.

Please note that you are still welcome to use our services in addition to other help. It’s just that our help will be centered around the presentation of ideas rather than proofreading, for instance.