Advanced Writing for Quantitative Research (4 hours)

The first PPLS Writing Centre Honours workshop series in 2019 will be Advanced Writing for Quantitative Research by Fang Yang.  It will involve two 2-hour workshop sessions designed to show you how to write longer quantitative essays with introduction, methods, results and discussion sections.  This workshop was developed with the guidance of academic staff and tutors, and will include activities throughout.  There will also be examples of real student writing submitted in previous years. The workshop sessions will be of most use to Honours students in psychology and linguistics, but anyone taking a course or writing a dissertation in PPLS is welcome to attend.

If you’re interested, please sign up as soon as possible:

Workshop: Using the library with Anne Donnelly

library books
Photo by Paul Dodds

Do you really know how to use the library?  Or do you only seem to use a fraction of the resources that are available?  Anne Donnelly, the Academic Support Librarian for PPLS, will help you develop better research strategies.  This workshop is available to students taking PPLS courses at all levels — while many of the techniques covered are suited to larger research projects, it is best to learn about them as early in your career as possible.

You will find out how to…

The following topics will also be covered: the Centre for Research Collections, the Society of College, National and University Libraries, & Digital Skills and Training.

If you are interested, please book now to reserve a seat on November 26th at 14:10 (location tba) and fill out the pre-session questionnaire to let us know which topics are most interesting for you.